Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Joint Venture, Rather than Customer-Provider

Dear Junior

When a customer wants something from a provider, she places an order — and after a while there shows up a delivery. This works wonderfully well for a lot of situations. For example I needed a new laptop, so I went to the on-line Apple store. There I could configure how I wanted my MacBook (fast processor, no extra memory, and a solid state disk, please), and push the "order" button. About a week later there showed up a package at the office; enclosed was the computer - to specification. So the customer-provider system with order and delivery works in a lot of situations. Unfortunately, system development is not one of them.

The Customer-Provider Role-Play

Nevertheless, it is quite popular to let developers and business engage in a "role-play" where the business people are denoted the role of the Customer - often "because they pay". And as a contrast, the IT department take on the role as the Provider. I understand that these roles can come into play when business and IT actually are different companies.

However, it is really interesting to see this role play when both sides actually are departments within the same juridical entity. This makes the "they pay" argument kind of suspicious. In those situations we are not customer and provider. Rather we have chosen taken on those parts of the role-play, as a metaphor.

Hopefully we have made a careful analysis when deciding to use this metaphor. I think that in most situation, this is not the case.

Hopefully we have decided that this metaphor will help us to promote and guide valuable behaviour. I think that in most situations, it does not.

Customer Metaphor not Helpful

To me it seems there are two main reasons that the customer metaphor does not help us much.

First, the metaphor is so heavily loaded with associations and "wisdom" that our thoughts and behaviour is led astray. For example, we have all heard "the customer is always right". Unfortunately, this often creates a mental barrier to go and ask the business people.

On a similar tone, I have on several occasions heard programmers defend doing a bad job by "I only give the customer what they asked for" - when the proper thing to do would have been to stand up, walk away 25 meters and ask the business representative if the effect we have realised, but they probably not anticipated, really is intended or desirable.

Customer-Provider Misses Information Exchange Intensity

The second reason that the customer-provider metaphor does not help us is that I think it is fundamentally broken. If we study the information exchange in the metaphor, there is first one information transfer from the customer to the provider - i e the order. Then nothing happens, until delivery. Then there is a bulk of information going in the opposite direction - the delivery with all the details of the solution. In my experience, the information exchange of a highly successful system development initiative does not follow this pattern at all.

In my experience the key aspect of system development is knowledge generation. This journey is the joint endeavour where we combining the tactic ("able-to-do") domain knowledge of the domain experts with the expertise of creating mathematically precise logic systems of the programmers. In system development those two competences combine to create something new, that did not exist before. Together they create a precise understanding of a selected aspect of the problem at hand. In Domain-Driven Design terms, this distilled and precise domain expertise is captured in the domain model.

The information exchange when distilling the model is very intense, and is far from suitably described by one "order" followed later by one "delivery". I think the Domain-Driven Design focus on creating a shared, precise understanding of the problem domain very well captures the feeling of how much cooperation it takes.

Of course, we can "patch" the Customer-Provider by allowing (and encouraging) the provider to repeatedly ask the customer for clarifications and explanations. The other way around we can let the provider make delivery in parts - incrementally and iteratively show results en route. This is better, but I think it still misses a central point, the feeling of solving a problem together.

Customer-Provider Misses Mutual Initiative

Another way to view the problem with the customer-provider metaphor is to look at where the initiative lies at any given point of time. In the metaphor, the initiative is first at the customer. The customer will do whatever preparations needed to complete the order. During this process, the customer might interact with the provider, but the initiative to drive the process forward remains at the customer. This remains until the order is sent over.

After the order, the initiative goes to the provider, who will start working. At this point of time, the provider might reach out to the customer to discuss issues and ambiguities, however the initiative remains at the provider. 
Finally, upon delivery, the initiative is once again transferred to the customer, who will verify the delivery, accept it, or file deficiency reports.

Characteristic for the metaphor is that at any given point, it is clear who has the initiative. During this time, the other part can comfortable sit back and rest assured that it is "the other's" responsibility to pick up the phone.

System Development Requires Mutual Proactive Involvement

In system development, I want both sides to be equivalently engaged and involved in the work all the time. Creating a strict model a la Domain Driven Design is a creative and collaborative work that requires both sides (business and IT) to feel the responsibility to take the initiative whenever they are struck with an idea (often late at night) and ensure that every new insight or idea is brought into the common work. At no time can either side lean back and rest assured that "I am not responsible at the moment".

End of Customer-Provider

So, can we please put the Customer-Provider metaphor behind us? It does not really help us in guiding our ideas, thoughts, or behaviour in any direction that is well aligned with the agile values of modern system development. If we absolutely need a metaphor, we must look for another one.

On a side note, Swedish agile front figure Marcus Ahnve pushes the idea that it is time for us as a line of industry to stop working by metaphors. Instead of saying "system development is like construction" or "is like product manufacturing" we should start talking about system development on its own merits. I agree that it is about time - actually my grandfather could have been a programmer, and I could have been the father of some young developer in the profession today. On a similar tone, Eric Evans has also mused on the subject under the tittle "Software is (Not) Like That". I second both of these thinkers that we need to be careful with metaphors, and we would be better of without metaphors that with bad ones.

Joint Venture as a Better Metaphor

However, if we necessarily must metaphors at all, and if we insist on picking them from the business world, then I would suggest another one. I would suggest one where the information exchange is more intense, where both sides have the initiative all the time and where booth sides care about the result they create in common. I would suggest using Joint Venture as a metaphor instead.

In a joint venture two parties decide that they should cooperate over some common interest and work towards some goal that is out of reach for either of them. A good example is the cooperation between Sony and Ericsson to create a mobile phone that was also a nice piece of consumer electronics.

Sony and Ericsson did not solve this by Sony putting in an order to Ericsson to build a mobile phone according to their consumer-electronics specification. Neither did Ericsson put in an order the other way around. Instead they started a new company, SonyEricsson, where each part owed 50% of the stock of shares. In this shared company, both parties invested by sending some of their best engineers, and both parties committed to supporting the joint venture so that it would bear fruit. Which, by the way it did. I think this situation better resembles the interactions and caring that we experience in a well functioning system development initiative.

Bear in mind; we still use "joint venture" just as a metaphor. If someone wants to actually do business this way I will be really interested to sit by and watch. But I will probably not line up to invest. However, used as a metaphor, I think joint-venture would be more helpful that customer-provider.

And being helpful is all I ask from a metaphor.

So, at Monday morning, we might as well stop referring to the business people as our Customers, and instead refer to them as our Partner. It might actually make a difference.



ps I did present a blitz presentation on this idea at the Agile Sverige 2010 conference at which the use of language and metaphors was a theme that emerged.