Tuesday 18 December 2012

Technical Details as Part of Domain Model

Dear Junior

A classical questions in Domain-Driven Design is whether technical details should be part of the domain model. The usual answer is "no, there should only be business concepts", but I would like to refine that a bit.

One of the drives of Domain Driven Design is obviously to drive development from a design based on the domain - hence the name. So, concepts as "database", "table", "network" and "connection" should typically not be part of the domain and its language.

This kind of technical details does not make sense per se in the domain - they add nothing do the direct understanding. However, databases and network and other technical details might have indirect effects that that we need to understand. The tricky part is to find appropriate abstractions for that understanding.

Let me take "buying a laptop" as an example. Recently I bought a new laptop from the Apple site. This is the "laptop to buy" model, and when doing this I filled out an order form, which is what constitutes the "laptop to buy" domain model.

I know that a laptop is a pretty complex thing, so the "laptop to buy" domain is a really rich one. Some of my hardware freak frieds could talk to lengths about it. As I am not much of a hardware freak myself, I prefer if the "laptop to buy" domain model is as simple as possible - without "technical details" that I am not interested in.

For example, the laptop I buy have a hard-drive, which is made by a manufacturer. I happen to know there are numerous subtle details that differ between hard-drive brands - but none that I care of. It is an uninteresting technical detail, and I do not want to see the choice of hard-drive brand in the domain of "laptop to buy".

Luckily for me, Apple agree, and there is no option for choosing hard-drive brand that makes the order form more complex and harder to understand.

Another technical detail is that the hard-drive have a lot of sectors and blocks, and the number of sectors and blocks differ from hard-drive to hard-drive. This is also something that I do not wish to care about - I just want to stuff my documents, photos, and film clips onto the laptop and it should just work. I do not want this to be part of the "laptop to buy" domain model either.

Unfortunately, Apple disagrees here. They think I need to be aware of that the hard-drive consists of storage cells, and that these actually are limited. Otherwise, I would live in the illusion that I could put things on my laptop indefinitely. That illusion would break down when there suddenly are "no space left on device" - an event which would leave me utterly confused.

In order to make me understand the nature of how it is to work with a hard-drive, I need to be aware of the finite number of sectors and blocks - although it is a "technical detail". But, unfortunately, it is a technical detail I need to be aware of.

Now comes the hunt for the appropriate abstraction to make the blocks and sectors understandable to non-hardware-technical me. "Blocks and sectors" does probably not work very well, but the concept of "size" does. I get that we are not talking about physical size, but some kind of analogy to the size of a suitcase. A small suitcase will become full fast, but you can put more stuff into a larger suitcase before it gets full. The size is still a "technical detail", but it is a detail that cannot be ignored, and it is put in a form I can understand.

Thus Apple has chosen to have options in the order form for how big a hard-drive I want, making it a part of the "laptop to buy" domain model. 

And I can agree with Apple.

When considering whether a concept should be in the domain or not, it is really not interesting whether it is a "technical detail" or not. The interesting discussion is whether this is a concept which the user (or other stakeholder) needs to be aware of. We cannot take away concepts that will make their understanding "break down". And for those technical details, we have to find an appropriate abstraction.

This reminds me of an Einstein quote: "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler" which I think is an excellent way to put Occam's Razor.

So, technical details should not be part of the domain if they are irrelevant to the business. However, it might be that the technical detail is a concept that you need to understand to comprehend how things work. And in that case, it should be part of the domain, even if it stems it origin from the technical side.

